Our 2015 Eastern Coast Tour is under way and we are gearing up for some great fun, music and delicious food all around the eastern part of the US.
So you ask, are we going to any thing notable? Yes, we start the tour at Altoona Lake near Canton Ga. where we will be attending the Shaky Boots Country Music Festival in Kennisaw, Ga.. We continue on to Paris Mountain State Park in Greenville, SC to Charlotte, NC, followed by Nashville Tenn where we will attend the Country Music Festival. Swinging over to Tim Ford State Park in Tenn. Continuing on to Colonial Williamsburg, Va. for the 4th of July, Washington DC, a stop at our relatives in Kieser, WV, Canton Ohio for the NFL Football Hall of Fame, landing in Buffalo NY where we will stay for 13 days, Letchworth State Park, NY for a week, on to Cooperstown NY for the MLB Hall of Fame, heading north to New Hampshire, Maine, and all the New England States, dropping down to NY City, New Jersey, Maryland, Ginnie Springs Fl. and so much more. Follow our tour on justkreuzin.com for all our exciting stays.